Blog readers often approach me to share their fluency "wonders". I cannot take away their experience, and believe that they indeed have had significant fluency gains. I can only disagree with their interpretation. I find that their stories follow a similar pattern: A takes X for Y. Suddenly, A experiences much greater fluency and is amazed that he/she can speak so fluently. Interestingly, they do not report 100% fluency but only a significant reduction of fluency. This pattern suggest to me that an underlying neurological issue is still present but that a change in brain chemicals (including being more relaxed or depressed) significantly influence fluency.
I also want to warn you that I cannot check their stories or check their backgrounds. They could of course just try to manipulate me in promoting the substance because they have commercial interests in it.
Anyway, here is the story:
About 6 months ago I had stomach issues so someone suggested to try senna herb it's known as a laxative for the stomach to make your bowl move after drinking the tea. So I bought the leaves from the Internet and started making it into a tea I started with not alot about 5 grams and 200 ml of water boil it for 5 min and drink it..
After 2 weeks or so I noticed a strange thing I started stuttering and blocking less.. M
aybe it was just a placebo effect. But continue using it the stuttering was i would say improved by 90% I would talk to people and not stutter, I would phone people and not stutter. I would have the occasional here and there but all in all it's such a big improvement..
Now the science part the stuff that makes u have diarrhea is senneniods in the senna herb that is what scientist have discovered. I am pretty sure it's not that that makes u stutter less. If scientists can remove the sennionds from the herb. I am sure there is something in this herb that doesn't make you stutter, if u cut down in it u will stutter again I tried leaving the herbs for 2 weeks and the stutter came right back. I hope someone can do research about this wonderful herb surely smth in it a chemical helps stuttering, I have given it to a friend who stutters as well after a while his stuttering was improved by 80%.
Thanks thus was my experience with senna herb
Soy Santiago González Sacristán, vivo en Leganés (Madrid) España - 59 años.
He publicado ayer una entrada en mi blog, titulada "Borrón y cuenta nueva", en la que inicio ya el desvelamiento de las causas que provocan la tartamudez. La tartamudez es una enfermedad y voy a dar a conocer al mundo por qué se produce y cómo se combate. Es muy simple, parece mentira que nadie se haya dado cuenta. Mirad mi blog, leed mi entrada y luego seguidme (follow me) Espero que, una vez curados, me deis por lo menos las gracias.
Enlace con mi blog:http://santiagonzalezescritor.blogspot.com.es/2013/10/borron-y-cuenta-nueva.html
Buenas noches y cordiales saludos.
Interesting thread. Half an hour of googling has thrown up some interesting articles on this herb. It has side-effects, and is not recommended for long term usage. There are posts on web-sites dating back to 2002 by an Egytian guy who claims it cured his stutter - sadly, the comments are mixed with him shoving Islam in the readers faces.
The herb is widely available on the net, and in the spirit of "Don't critise something till you've tried it", I've ordered some.
Hello James,
Can you please keep us posted on your results? Sounds a little interesting to me and I'd like to know how it affects your fluency.
I'm intrigued and have ordered some too. It might be worth contacting the Egyptian guy & seeing what the long term health implications are, assuming he's still alive & doesn't try to convert you to Islam.
Anyway I'll post back my findings either way.
hi my name is mosthak am the one that posted the story to tom about my senna use... it really does help haha i been using it for about 6 months i discovered a lot how to take it and with what to reduce the effect of diarria.. if you like to contact me via fb my name is sonny brown from london UK am happy to answer any questions you might have :)
I am wondering if anyone tried Senna yet, waiting for results
Yes I have used it it really does help but if you stop taking it u got the worst crash ever cuz u got used to talking do fluently.. U don't wanna open ur mouth! Boil about 5 gram for 4 min and drink it with honey... And notice ur speech carefully...
Thanks Sonny,
Let me order some and will update shortly
How long (how many days/weeks) does it take before one starts to see the effects of the herb tea?
U should see an effect after 2 weeks of continues use.. I disovred smth that when you boil it don't boil it for too long 4nin should be enough.. So the laxative effect won't be strong u should have a light orange colour and I usually take it with one squeezed lemon to counter the taste...
Sonny brown
Senna Herb Notes / Side Effects
When using Senna tea, never drink it for more than seven consecutive days. Also, it should not be used by pregnant women or if the women are nursing. Do not give Senna tea to children under 12 years of age.
Senna is a relatively strong laxative, and should be taken in moderation only for the period when a cure is needed. It has been known to be habit forming, so it should not be used daily. If constipation is extreme, medical attention should be sought. Do not continue to use Senna as a way to prevent constipation from occurring.
There are times when Senna should not be taken. People suffering from intestinal blockage, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, or ulcers should not take Senna. Anyone on heart medication of any kind should consult their physician before taking Senna, as is can interfere with the medications and cause irregularities in the heart. Senna should not be taken if taking a diuretic because it can result in an excessive depletion of potassium from the body.
Sometimes diarrhea can occur when taking Senna. Always start with a lesser dose until the body’s response to the effects of Senna is known.
Overuse of senna tea in known to damage the organs. It can cause Pseudomelanosis coli, a condition that turns the intestines black. This may can cause colorectal cancer. It may cause liver enzyme altercation, chronic liver disease and liver failure. Senna tea can also damage the kidneys and cause renal failure.
Been taking it for a week now, no effect yet, apart from getting the $hits =) Been mainly drinking it as a tea, tried it mixed in with food a couple of times but the laxative effect was really strong this way.
I'll carry on taking it for another week (got half a bag of Senna left), hopefully I'll see some improvement.
Thank you for letting us know your results so far. Yes, please keep us updated.
I am taking senna leafs in my food and felling batter so for no side effects, I feeling 60% improvement till now. this is my 5th day of taking senna.
Been drinking it for 5 days in the form of a tea as advised by Sonny. Got a rumbling stomach and diarrhia all day yesterday, and so will stop using it. Have seen no improvement in fluency.
How much are you using James? I found a couple of grams made into tea left me with controllable diarrhea, anymore (3-4 grams) left me running for the toilet.
That's good its working for you ZM, keep us updated as it might be one of those things that works for some people and not for others.
Hi guys its me sonny brown.. Nice to see some people it helps i wanna update it really does work!! Now to take it to reduce the laxative effect, dont boil it for very long!! when u put the tea in a glass the colour ahould be light yellow to orange and i sqeeze one whole lemon to counter the effect of diaria... Try this please
It might take longer to notice but you wont have diaria and always take it after food not on a emty stomach
1. Tonic. Lotus seeds and root are tonic and rejuvenating foods. The seeds work more as a cardiac tonic and as a seminal tonic. The root has stronger astringent and haemostatic properties. It calms the mind and subdues restless thoughts and dreams.
2. Speech. Lotus seeds help in improving speech; helps stop stuttering and improve concentration.
3. Healing. It isa good astringent and haemostatic with the power to heal tumours.
Has anyone tried the Senna capsules available online? I would like to try Senna, so I did some research. Tea and capsules are available, but not sure which to try. I'd appreciate any input. Thanks Candace
Hi candace just buy the leaves boil them for couple minutes not too much or you will have bad diaria!! Yellow ish colour sqeeze one lemon for taste and drink it check my post above for more instructions it really does work mate
Thanks. I'll post again when I try it and the results. Candace
Hi everybody,
I have tried the Senna and it did really help my stuttering. Unfortunately, I had to stop taking it. I learned about a week ago that I will be having a bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer and I cannot be taking any type of supplement for two weeks before surgery. Doctors are afraid of adverse affects (bleeding, intolerance of anesthesia, etc) during surgery. I full well intend on resuming once surgery is over and I'm on the mend. I did have a minor problem with diarrhea for a few days, but it tapered off after an additional few days.
I think that Senna should be explored more by researchers as it could have a great impact for adult stutterers. Regards, Candace
How much of an "improvement" are people getting and is it on "blocks" or "repetitions" or general calmness/reduced anxiety?
Do you still fear certain words or do you feel fluent?
How long does it take for the effects to work?
Thank you
Candance its me sonny brown can you add me on facebook search me for moshtak al-bayati london and will talk more
Kind regards
HI Mishtak(Shonny)
I would like to thank you for this post I recover my speech like 90% in 5 day of use and still recovering I ma just taking half Tea sponge of senna tea leave and boils in one tea cup water for 3 to 4 min and one lemon put into it and drink it, It help thanks man you save me, I have speech of 30 min in front of manager and other guys and I did is very well
hope other people should get the advantage of this herb, medical people should look into this herb there is something in that help stutters to speck well
H. khan
Can someone explain exactly how to take this, amount/how/method/how often etc as I'm keen to try it.
Does it really work or is there a placebo effect and it wears off?
Hi this is H Khan,
As I mention above I use half or little less tea spoon senna leaves put into the water (tea cup) and boil for 3 to 4 minute color should be light orange and I put some fresh lemon juice and drink
You can start you specking batter in 5 day I am sure, I did trying everything earlier this is like Magic to fix stuttering
I did 30 min presentation today and very confident I am now reducing amount of senna drinking rite now and will update the more result.
Thanks Again Shonny to give us 2nd life
Please note: don't boil more then 3-4 min otherwise you will get bad diarrhea
H Khan
Thanks H Khan, so to confirm:
You take 1/2 teaspoon of senna leaves put it into a regular cup full of water, boil it for 3 mins and then drink it.
In about 5 days the stuttering will stop?...all of the blocking will stop or be improved by about 90%?...problem words (name etc) will just flow?
If this is correct and if anyone else has tried, I'd like their feedback too.
Also, how often do you take it per day and when (morning or night), before of after food etc.
If you could give the full details that would be great.
Hi Sonny
This is from your comment
"Yes I have used it it really does help but if you stop taking it u got the worst crash ever cuz u got used to talking do fluently.. U don't wanna open ur mouth! "
I am wondering if this is addictive and if you stop taking it, does something happen physically.
Glad to know its working but if you guys could provide detailed steps on how to get these leaves and how to make the senna tea and its dosage let us know and we shall try it too.
If anyone of you can make a youtube video it would be great.
Together we can help each other :)
14 January 2014 - Recap / Summary
I've just bought some Senna leaves and want to confirm some things before I start.
How often (per day) do you drink the senna tea and when is it best to take it (morning or night)?
Do you make it as follows - Take 1/2 teaspoon (5grams) of senna leaves in a tea bomb, put it in a water that is already boiling for 3-4 minutes to negate the "laxative effect" of the senna?
AM I correct - Sonny and others (ZM and H Khan) please confirm.
Follow up:
How long does it take to feel the effects on your speech (Typically)
Does it stop all stuttering (repetitions and blocks)
Do you feel like you wont stutter, i.e. the anxiety on feared words will stop
If you scale back the amount you are taking from once per day to once per 2 days etc, will the fluency remain as you have "broken the cycle" and fear is not controlling you?
Sonny/ZM/Candace, what is your experience so far?
Does anyone know the "science" behind why this would work?
Sorry about all of the questions but I'm just keen to understand the details/process before I start as I dont want to be let down again.
i dont think it really works ,i tried it for about 3 days without any notice of some improvement,plus after some reasearch on senna side effects,it really causes liver damage if using it on daily basis...
i dont think it will be a good treatment guys
Any update since the last 2 requests for information/clarification would be appreciated.
Is the silence/ lack of reply indicating that the results are not good and people have discountinued it?....
Sonny, any update on this as you have been taking this for 6 months?.....are the effects long lasting and permanent, is the amount of senna you are taking the same/more/less.
I (and others) would appreciate some feedback/replies to the last few comments.
Looks like Senna is another "false hope" with all of the others.
No reply from Sonny and others for info or updates despite the requests on here.
It's not a false hope, someone just shared their story about something that worked for him. The best thing you can do is try it and not wait for others to approve. Really, what can you possibly lose from giving Senna a go? The leaves don't cost a fortune and its not exactly hard work to make a cup of tea. Just try it, if it doesn't work, then fuck it, throw it out and try the next thing that comes along.
Thanks Mike,
I am wanting to try and have made
numerous requests to ask "how" to make the senna tea to get the best results and no replies so far.
I've bought the leaves, just want to know "exactly" how to make it and get some feedback from others (Sonny etc) that have been using it for the last 6 months.
I'm not waiting for others to "approve" me to use it, I just want to leverage their experience so I get the best from it without spending all day on the toilet!
If Sonny or others that have had success with it could give feedback that would be great and also proper instructions.
Exactly how much senna
Is the water already boiling
Is it 3-4 minutes in boiling water
How best to negate diarrea
How long until effects kicked in
Do you have to take it daily
Can you reduce amount (Typically)
Do you get dependent on it
Any side effects etc
If someone has had great success for 6+ months, I'd like it if he/they would share this for all of us to use, rather than just doing it possibly wrong and ending up disapointed and on the toilet for no benefit - I hope this makes sense!
Hi this is sonny sorry for the late reply guys my mum is very ill and i been busy taking care of her, as for the senna what i do is i take around 5gram or more boil that with around 240ml of water for 3min u want light yellow ish tea... So the diarria isnt that bad.. To withstand the taste i sqeeze a lemon with it...
And u take that daily
Hi Sonny, I hope that your mum is ok and all is well with you all.
Thanks for the info on the amlount of Senna and water.
Can I just clarify is the water is already boiling and then you add the senna for 3 mins?
You've been on this for 6 months or so?....Is the effect permanent and do you consider yourself fluent and have you been able to reduce the amount or frequency of taking senna?
Any other advice/feedback you can give on how it affects speech and side effects?
sonny you are overcoming all blocks??or you block often?
I am a "Blocker" as opposed to saying "repetitions". I struggle on my name, numbers, factual things I cant change and certain letters/sounds.
Does the Senna stop the blocks and does the anxiety reduce and then the blocks stop occuring?
You've been on this for 6 months, is it a permanent "cure" (I hate the word cure but you get the idea) and do you not stutter at all?
Can you reduce the amount of the senna that you take now or rdeuce the frequency how often you take it and still remain fluent?
Hi guys its sonny again,
Its not a cure yet i think but its got something in it that helps reduce ur stuttering alot like 90% or more it all depends on the stutter itself i used to stutter alot and people around me felt i talk more fluently and just more social in general. Now to what it does i have no idea closest i can say is u just stop blocking/stuttering haha.. If science reaearch it
Its sonny anyone contact me on facebook my name is moshtak albayati london to talk more about this.. This could be a big breakthrough for stutters guysss
Hi guys well its a cure and not a cure at the same time... There is smth in this herb that helps alot of stutterers and i hope research would happen to see whats in this herb that helps stutters stop stuttering of blocking all together... Now the fluency is depends on each person as we cant take too much senna it will hurt the stomache. Imagine if u could take as much as u can without the laxative side effect am sure it would cure ur stuttering. Me personally take about 5gramish put it in water 250ml or less and boil it for like 3min i make it as a very light yellowish tea as i found it it will still help with ur stuttering and not give u the diarriah effect. And i like to sqeeze a lemon to counter the taste. I tried not taking it after a while u will go back to blocking and stuttering which i currently am but i tried to see how long it takes around a month or less u will block again and stutter... But as soon as u take it u will get fluent again. People who ask how does it work? No idea u just stop blocking and stuttering on words that u usually do u just talk normal i guess thats how i would discribe it!!
Has anyone tried this ?
what are the results ?
please let the community know
In fact I've contacted ou on fb and received no reply , probably you should try reading your "other messages" folder on facebook.
what kind of senna u r using???some are made in ksa an others in india....can u specify plz?
Hi guys, I tried senna for a week, it smells and tastes pretty damn disgusting lol, but anything is worth a shot. Just to let people know, I felt no reduction in stuttering at all. Maybe I should have continued it for longer? By the way, I took it at nights before going to bed, should I have taken it in the mornings?
Sonny / moshtak
I've tried to friend you on FB and sent you messages - no reply.
Is it 1 teaspoon of senna leaves - is this about 5mg?
Put this into already boiling water?...for 3 mins?
Anyone else tried this and it works?
Is 1 teaspoon of senna leaves the right amount to use?....Its hard to measure 5mg on kitchen scales.
Hi, I just started using the Senna leaves yesteday, I used 1 teaspoon, is this enough?
Any more feedback from the other people who have tried and are using Senna?
There were a few people reporting great success and then its all gone quiet.
Sonny/Moshtak, I've sent you a friend request and messages on Facebook but heard nothing back, can you help with some questions? Thanks Stephen
Anyone else have any feedback on using Senna?
it's my 1st week since my first use of senna herb,i'm noticing a positive result but not sure about it..i'm blocking less speaking much easier and talking with less hesitations..however im waiting for an event that triggers my stuttering as well my anxiety to clarify my results...i'm using also thiamine supplement ...i can ensure that there is something positive happening.
I'm just under 2 weeks in and I must say that my speech has improved.
My speech flows better and the blocks reduced and the ones that I do have are less severe.
Its hard to measure what 5grams are, so I am just using a teaspoon (any advice anyone?).
Anyone else have any progress or tried this.
I've reached out to Moshtak/Sonny via FB numerous times and not heard anything - Can you please reply when you get a chance?
It's gone wquiet in here!
Sonny/Moshtak, I've sent you a friend request and messages on Facebook but heard nothing back, can you help with some questions? Thanks Stephen
Anyone else have any feedback on using Senna?
Bump... Anyone trying this at all?
Moshtak, are you still doing it with great success?
You'd think if people were getting 80%+ improvement, people would be shouting it from the rooftops.
Hy..please tell me the procedure to buy senna herb for stuttering...I am in pakistan
Hy please tel me the procedure to buy the seena herb for stuttering. .I am in pakistan
i want to try this
is it really that effective ?
does it have side effects ?
give me your updates please
How much mg of senna herb did u take for stuttering? Here they have it in capsules
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