Here is the program for the IFA conference in Rio in August. Click on the week days to get the name of the speakers.
As I said before, not too impressed by the key speakers. NOTE THE LIDCOMBE PEOPLE GIVE TALKS ABOUT ALL KIND OF THINGS BUT NOT ON THEIR OWN FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF THEIR FAMOUS PSEUDO RANDOM CONTROL TRIAL. WHY? EVEN THEIR FLAWED SETUP SHOWS THAT THE RATE WAS NOT CLEARLY BETTER THAN NATURAL RECOVERY. That's how research is done. If you don't like your results, you don't spend the effort to promote it! Instead they talk about refinements like time to treat, individual differences, technical aids, and so on. Needless to say that it is all completely useless given that it is already tricky to properly do overall sucess rate due to statistical erros from high natural recovery rate: they search in the haystack when in fact it is not even possible to locate the haystack! But of course if you do not understand stats well and are not trained in hard science, you just don't see the issues and your brain gives great meaning to a research that is meaningless.
Here are the talks I would consider going to. And of course all the posters. I often find that posters contain more interesting research, and by grad students who are still clear thinking and not corrupted by bad role models. But often overly impressed by authority.
Recovery from stuttering
Howell Peter, Davis Stephen
A longitudinal study of syntax, prosody and recovery from stuttering
Rusbridge Sarah, Howell Peter
Stuttering and the ICD 9/10: A debate within our profession
Bernstein Ratner Nan, Maguire Gerald
Dysfluency levels in various speaking conditions in acquired neurogenic stuttering
Balasubramanian Venu, Cronin Kristine, Max Ludo
Comparing sequence learning and retention in stuttering and Parkinson’s disease
Smits-Bandstra Sarah, Gracco Vince, De Nil Luc
peech and nonspeech sensorimotor learning in individuals who stutter
Max Ludo, Baldwin Caitlin J., Cronin Kristine L., Flanagan J. Randall
Genetic epidemiological relations between Stuttering, Cluttering and Specific Language Impairment
Fibiger Steen, von Bornemann Hjelmborg Jacob, Fagnani Corrado, Skytthe Axel
Multiple facets of stuttering: Insights from brain and behavioural research
Luc De Nil
Neurobiological explanations of developmental stuttering: Contributions from brain imaging studies
Watkins Kate, Ward David
Association Studies of chromosome 18 microsatellites and Familial Persistent Stuttering n
Domingues Carlos Eduardo
Parent-child interaction after the Lidcombe Program and the DCM-based treatment
Oonk Leonoor, Franken Marie-Christine, Koedoot Caroline