I came up with various systems where a drug could act and improve fluency:
1) the gene expression on genes (partially) causing 2). A drug might inhibit the expression of some genes that make the speech system less stable.
2) the malfunctioning speech system itself. A drug might increase improve a malfunctioning system.
3) systems that decrease the effectiveness of 2) like emotions. A drug might shield the speech system from emotions and work overload, i.e. you can talk as if you are on your own.
4) the primary stuttering behaviour like blocks. A drug might ease blocks and thereby inhibit triggering other stuttering behaviour. You still stutter but softer and less loss of control.
5) the secondary behaviours like loosing eye contact, loosing control, tension, contortions, etc. A drug might inhibit the expression of bad habits or allow a greater control over them.
6) the tertiary behaviours like anxiety, fear, and avoidance. A drug might reduce these, and allow for a better quality of life.
7) the ability of stutterers to successfully implement a behavioural therapy like fluency shaping or dysfluency shaping (van Ripper) short-term and long-term. A drug might make you learn new behaviour faster and more lasting, in fact the drug might be mimicking the brain conditions of the few that are able to follow through and make lasting behavioural change.
Any more fields of attack? Let me know.