A reader's comment on Holger's suicide:
I think it was the medicine that made him commit suicide not the stuttering itself. i really feel sad about him. I also used some medicines to cope with my stuttering. It really helps i was almost %100 fluent but it had serious side affects, i started to have memory loss, sexual disorder, i was always tired and sleeping too much so i quit, when i quit i get into depression and at some point i did not care if iam dead or not. before this drug i was always baffled when i heard someone committed suicide it seemed impossible for me to do it but after what i go through with the medicine i understood how those people feel. So if you ever think about taking drugs consider it twice. it really messes up your brain chemistry and i assure you that thats much worse than stuttering.
And another who tried it:
My conclusion is, right now, it's not the solution, but may have some positive effect on some people. My stuttering has been greatly improved by getting over the fear of it and accepting it. I believe you have written about this before, and perhaps part of why you joined toastmasters and participated in other activities. When I took the job that I have now, I knew that I would be faced with speaking often and in front of large groups. I had a lot of fear about that. However, now...the fear does not have as much sting as it used to have.