A TSB reader sent me the following email. If you have been in contact with her, contact the authorities!
You might be interested to take a look at Carl Herder's FB posting on Anna Deeter, an unlicensed speech therapist in California who's offering speech therapy in the guise of "training". Not only that, but a "I offer 100% success guarantee that at the end of the 3-day STUDY COURSE they will be stutter-free!!
Carl is urging people to let the California licensing authorities know of her illegal activities.
Her program costs only $8000.
I suggest to Anna Deeter that she should charge the $8000 only
after the person is cured. I am sure if she offers a 100% success guarantee, she is willing to wait for three days for the $8000! I would be very happy to give her the money for a cure!!!!