Monday, May 14, 2012

Visual Outing...

An interview with me appeared in the biggest weekly t'Revue: here in German language.

A bit of a visual outing as I allowed them to publish pictures while I am stuttering. Pictures that will be seen by ten thousand people. And the pictures were filling the upper half of two pages! A bit like a Playboy spread! ;-)


Anonymous said...

I just would like you to know that i am a great admirer of you and your work here. you are a living proof that a stutter can do a lot of great things. you give me/us hope

Thanks man

Anonymous said...

Tom, write posts.

Anonymous said...

I am kind of new to the stuttering community. My 7 year old son stutters. He has always stuttered but we some how didn't notice until late in kindergartin when he started to get frustrated and started closing his eyes to push out words. (He stuttered a lot but with confidence so it just wasn't an issue). I did a lot of research-started speech therapy. Our focus has always been that stuttering is NORMAL and not a big deal and to keep our son confident. I discuss this with new speech therapists and teachers. So far, so good and the secondaries disapeared and haven't come back. I have a friend who is constantly trying to "cure" her son's stuttering and he is miserable! I know my son will have ups and downs with his stuttering but he has a lot of love and support! Great to find your blog!! Thank you!