Sunday, March 02, 2014

Arya Kumar Sinha believes that stuttering is totally curable.

Arya Kumar Sinha wrote to me that stuttering is curable. Read his email to me. I am not sure about his "By the laws of physics .Many-worlds interpretation , which successfully explained , loopholes of quantum physics , and today Dr. Stephen Hawking is a great supporter of this theory."
Hi Tom , I am Arya Kumar Sinha. I would like to contradict the view that is propagated in your web-site like stammering is not curable. My view is that : stammering is totally curable. I will place good arguments in favor of it. I am from India. At one point , I used to stammer severely with block/repeat on "A" "E" "I" "M" O" "U" "P" "D" "R" "L". From there , today i have achieved total fluency. I can speak fast like any normal speaker , without a single block on any letter. Why stammering is curable : The argument is : 1) Consider flipping of coin . P(head) = P(tail) =1/2. Similarly if we assume 2 states of stammering , then P(cure)=P(non-cure)= 1/2. So I rule out your 1st argument that stammering is not curable, by showing that there is equal possibility of both the cure/non-cure states. Its perfectly up to you to choose one. Both of these states exist in nature. 2) A computer i.e the logical processing area of a computer is composed of 3 parts. 1) Software 2) Operating system 3) Hardware. A programming error/bug appears if there is malfunction/error in the software part or OS or hardware. If in case of stammering there was a hardware error . then the individual would face it , while singing or while talking to himself. But in such cases a stammerer finds himself totally fluent thereby signalling that there is
no hardware error. The error is software part , the way we program our speech muscles. Due to repetitive erroneous programming , the stuttering problem look today as a very awkward problem. At t=0 . We initially programmed it wrongly , at t=1 , we get wrong output , which is the next wrong input at t=3. etc. The process continues , until we take the right initiative to correct the speech algorithm Under correct algorithm , problem just vanishes out. 3) By the laws of physics .Many-worlds interpretation , which successfully explained , loopholes of quantum physics , and today Dr. Stephen Hawking is a great supporter of this theory. States in plain worlds , Cure is a state , if it did not happen to you at any point of time , cure ,a state of things definitely existed. 4) Lastly , we can program our speech muscles and recreate new algorithm . The recent research " Long-term potentiation " . For details , check wikipedia or any other journal. Since by the above arguments , we find the state "cure" of stammering is perfectly true. so I , think , you must not spread the message , that you all have discovered a omnipotent truth that " stammering is not curable. Stammering is curable. I have cured myself in such a level that I have totally forgotten what stammering is all about. If you cast doubt , I can bring at-least 10 such peoples , who can prove themselves before court judges too. So before awarding anyone a crackpot award , think thrice , and see whether there is something wrong in your understanding of stammering. Regards ,


Anonymous said...

1- Arya Kumar Sinha did not read/study/research about : "What is stuttering." This level of ignorance and confidence is not uncommon. Please start reading about stuttering before you start believing in your own truth. The sample you provide about "there is no hardware problem if you can sing without stuttering" is explained as rhythm effect. There are many research findings about the brain images of stuttering adults and stuttering kids that prove the hardware differences.

2- This forum is around developmental stuttering.
However there is also another form of stuttering : Psyhogenic Stuttering (very rare). This is different then developmental stuttering. Maybe you had psyhogenic stuttering, have you had any diagnosis?

Satyendra said...

Aha, my friend Arya! Well, dont bother too much about him. He had a long and hilarious email exchange with me: about multiple universe, tossing of a coin, slipping through a singularity, and "Fully certified cure for any kind of stammering under 2 weeks!!".. :-))
But when I asked him frankly: Are you sure you are cured? and if so, cured of what? -he kept silent and slipped to another universe through a time space fault..
Stammering cure is a thriving business here- thanks to gullible and desperate young stammerers (like Arya). India is full of people who sincerely believe that everything has a cure- Diabetes, cancer, AIDS, Autism (except, I suppose gullible faith in "me and my cure"!)..
God bless us Indians!!

Anonymous said...

Totally wrong theory. I doubt, Mr. Arya Kumar Sinha knows anything with stammering. According to him problem or error lies in software, if so then how hardware works well with faulty software while singing.

Anonymous said...

Tom - Thank you for posting this. It was fun to read (although a little sad).

Anonymous said...

Stuttering is curable. We all know that since most of us speak fluenty so it comes down to people funding studies to find neurons or genetics and then find a cure.

Let me give you an example:
If tommorow someone announces "I want the entire world to work on finding a cure for stuttering and I will pay them millions of dollars + a nobel prize it is a guaranteed conclusion that a cure will be found in a matter of weeks if not months"

Just that none of us are moving forward in finding a cure. Just a handful of persons are working towards finding a cure in the 7 billion population we have.

Lets hope for the best though.

Gottlieb said...

The ''cure'' of sttutering is a adaptation to our own way to talk. Well, i think that many stutters have the the ability to speak other languages without accent or with the specific accent there in language, like, speak spanish like a spanish.
If, you is good in talk other with other accent, so, practice to use this accent. Talk with strange or non-habitual accent is like singing.
It work!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Gottlieb said...

Stuttering also related to emotions. When you talk with accent or with enphasis, you do not sttuter.
Stutters are people with greater potential to develop stronger personalities but without natural mechanisms to this process.
When you are talking should be ''interpret'' like a actor. Stuttering is a ''atavic'' traits, you are able to speak foreigner languages without accent (less you traumal mother tongue), able to interpret with emotion AND the best, whithout stuttering.

Anonymous said...

@ 1st Anonymous.

I know that this forum is around developmental stuttering. I already know your views. And for your kind knowledge , If you want to know how correct hardware works with faulty software ask any computer science experts. And if you really want to know whether I am completely fluent , lets the judges decide in a international court of justice , whether I am fluent or not ? I am ready to speak fast for 24 hours ( yes 24 hours ! )at a stretch, if the judges give me permission. Take the challenge ! my friend. Arya kumar Sinha !

Anonymous said...

@ 3rd Anonymous ,

The Image (effect) in brain is a result of perception/Consciousness
(cause)of human thinking pattern . To erroneous delivery of speech is
a lack of co-ordination , of breathing , thinking and speaking. While thinking the syllables are stretched out giving ample time for all 3 ( thinking , breathing , speaking ) to act in harmonious manner. The result is stammer free speech. The hard ware always remains the same ! But while speaking syllables are not stretched out giving very few time for all 3 to act in a harmonious manner. Thus our brain gets wrong signals and start acting in a bizarre way giving abnormal MRI reports. This is wrong consciousness (Idea) drawn from real world (matter). This is a error in software part. We can recreate new algorithm under Long term potentiation . Learn some books kids ! Arya Kumar Sinha

Anonymous said...

@ 3rd Anonymous ,

The Image (effect) in brain is a result of perception/Consciousness
(cause)of human thinking pattern . To erroneous delivery of speech is
a lack of co-ordination , of breathing , thinking and speaking. While singing the syllables are stretched out giving ample time for all 3 ( thinking , breathing , speaking ) to act in harmonious manner. The result is stammer free speech. The hard ware always remains the same ! But while speaking syllables are not stretched out giving very few time for all 3 to act in a harmonious manner. Thus our brain gets wrong signals and start acting in a bizarre way giving abnormal MRI reports. This is wrong consciousness (Idea) drawn from real world (matter). This is a error in software part. We can recreate new algorithm under Long term potentiation . Learn some books kids ! Arya Kumar Sinha

Anonymous said...

To Arya Kumar Sinha,

Research says that in some cases, genetic components are involved too. It is a faulty hardware. How would you explain this?

Anonymous said...

@ Last Anonymous ,

I give a link.
Notice this lines : " . Although it is apparent that stuttering runs in families, this fact, in-and-by itself, is insufficient to conclude genetic underlining.". This proves till date research could NOT prove with certainty any conclusive statement about genetic defect. This is only pure speculation !. I ask you , Dont you think , if there was a genetic defect , it would have manifested itself while singing and also when a stutterer speaks to itself ?. Where does those defective genes go while singing ?? Do they VANISH while singing and again COME BACK while speaking ? Huh !. Dont you think this is a funny argument ? Stuttering is actually a software fault , which I already explained previously . Arya Kumar Sinha

Anonymous said...

To Arya Kumar. From your writing, it looks like that you don't have any knowledge of biology and genetics. I will give you one example. Male baldness is hereditary but only at certain age, it appears. Genes responsible for baldness can also be transferred from mother that means women too carries genes but symptoms (baldnesss) never appears. Hope you understand it.

Moreover, you are putting link which is 8 years old. Just read some new studies and research papers for authentic information.

Anonymous said...

@ Last Anonymous,

I do NOT need a certificate from you , on whether I understand biology or genetics !. Coming to your question , MALE BALDNESS is a genetic disorder as stays with him 24*7. It does not happen sometimes at certain portion of days , hair grows on his head!. You did not answer my question . Where does that genetic defect go while SINGING ? how come one find himself completely fluent ! in those conditions? Answer this question ! from the link you gave I quote few lines. check it !

" A person's emotional state can exert a strong effect on the severity of stuttering" , signaling software fault . and lastly " Although our results can explain only a small fraction of cases of stuttering, these susceptibility variants are likely to be present in a large number of affected persons. ". The use of limited case studies and ( LIKELY TO BE PRESENT IN A LARGE NUMBER )clearly demonstrate these results are not based on 100% certainty. This proves the limitation of the research paper ! Grow up kid ! Arya kumar Sinha

Anonymous said...

To Arya Kumar Sinha,

That research was from certain geographic area. You can find that author's recent paper where he shows another gene variant from different variants.

I understand your tiny brain will not understand genetics. Regarding your question, our all genes can't get expressed all the time. Depending upon situation and what activities we are doing, expression level changes. Even sometime it is more expressed to less expressed. Singing is not a speaking and Stuttering is actually a communication disorder. Anxiety, Emotions and many other things influence those genes which in normal condition doesn't get affected.

Anonymous said...

@ Last Anonymous

I can also understand how much courage you have , because you are posting as "Anonymous" . You speak so immature that you do not even know what is called " Communication"

Check this link " and also Here it is clearly mentioned SINGING is a communication. You understand nothing about software fault ( where our brain draws false consciousness (idea) from external world (matter). Genes even if they get excited under certain conditions, they do NOT get excited automatically . It is through our sense organs our brain
gets signals and minds orders to do work. For example. If you want to walk right , the left hemisphere which controls the right portion gets activated.

I myself suffered from stuttering many years ago and today , I know what kind of fluency I have achieved. I need no proofs to impress a person like you ! If you have guts , come to international court of justice ,where I speak fast for 24 hours , and file a defamation suite of $10, 00000. You lose and pay me. Matter is solved. Take the challenge ! or else Shut -up ! Arya Kumar Sinha

Anonymous said...

See, finally you go back to your own opinion without explaining properly. I just want to say that singing is different in some respects than speaking and all will agree to that part.
I am not saying that you stutter. If you believe, you are right then why don't you share the methods or what did you do to achieve?
I have seen many people who tried hard to overcome but didn't. I hardly see any example personally.
If you think you have achieved fluency and you did something what others have never done then share the method/s.

Anonymous said...

@ Last Anonymous

There are many things which have classical appeal ! Like Newtons Laws of motion , even if the world changes !. The genetic defect in case if stuttering is clearly a debatable matter !From the last link you gave me it is written that " the mode of transmission of the disorder in families is not well defined and stuttering is considered a genetically complex trait" . So it clearly lacks classical appeal unlike newtons laws ! I never guarantee , unlike others , that I will cure your problem within 1 months , 2 months , or so.

If is up to you to analyse your problem critically , reprogram your speech muscles by LONG TERM POTENTIATION " and wait until signals in your brains gets enhanced synchronously ! Meanwhile , practice deep breathing ( full length inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of oxygen ) for 24 hours/day ) for 6 months. at a stretch ! Meanwhile if you have a phobia on any particular letter , practice using them more frequently in your speech ! Our conscious mind is like a FILM . Data gets recorded on it , and our sub-conscious mind absorbs that data , and is responsible for involuntary action. Lets correct data gets recorded on it ( practice before going to sleep ) . It may take 1-2 years to achieve total fluency, if you do everything correctly. Besides its impossible to judge your condition from here , without seeing you , or knowing your specific problems. So this advice may of limited help.I joined this forum to help my fellow stutterers , because I can feel their mental agony from heart ! I am here not to debate with you , and waste time ! Arya kumar Sinha.

Anonymous said...


sachin , your writing perfectly potrays you as a ego-centric , narcissistic
individual. It is painful for you to accept pluralistic views of a democractic
country. That you used the language " Well, dont bother too much about him" about
Arya , shows that you evaluates your decision to be "infallible" , which NO
learned scientists ever dare to do !. Even after leading TISA , after 5 years , it shows
that : you are a DWARF wishing to touch the MOON !

" Stammering cure is a thriving business here- thanks to gullible and desperate young stammerers
(like Arya). : It is as if Arya have personally helped those peoples who makes stammering ,the centre
of their earning ! You are too Vocal about stammering !

Where you voice goes " 1) When India has more mal-nourished children , than Sub-saharan
belt. Does it not bother you as , doctor ? 2) India has 2 parts )India 2)Bharat. The peoples
in Bharat lives in absolute poverty 2)Where does your voice goes : when india coaching
classes charges approx Rs 2 Lac ! for classroom course for a JEE ! Is it not business there ?
3) Where does your voice goes when in Private hospital : even after death , the hospital authority
demands full outstanding money and then release patients corpse !

Indian constitution does NOT give you right to judge anyone according to your own whims
and fancies ! Its time to TEAR AWAY the HYPOCRITIC MASK of yourself and reveal your real face !

Anonymous said...

Ah...This series of posts is REALLY FREAKY! All of you are creepin' me out...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at last.

Egress with honor and with that knowledge , about which you can brag, before you encounter
an Einstein , who throws before you EPR Paradox and proves the loopholes of quantum world. ;)

Anonymous said...


Have some Complan and grow from a lizard to a dinosaur, you moron !. You lack 23 Vitamins in your body.
As a aged doctor , my advice is that , you are suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
(OCD). Start taking , Escitalopram 10mg a day. You also suffer from Behavioural Disorder (BD) . You get
plenty of self-gratification from teasing others.! You pray to god so that " GOD bless you " and
there is no need to pray for other INDIANS to god " This is in reply to quote God bless us Indians!!".

What was Arya's fault ? It was his latent inner drive to convert himself to a normal fluent
speaker. According to you , his latent inner drive of becoming a fluent speaker resulted in
stammering bering a thriving business in INDIA ! What a excellent analysis. From where did you
get your M.B.B.S degree ? I think you copy-pasted the whole material in each exam without
understanding a single letter in your M.B.B.S course.

You want the whole of INDIA ( Arya included) to , think like you , walk like you , talk like you !.
Then you think - stammering ( which is a business will stop )! . Bravo ! You want to control
everones's life through a remote -control ,and then everything will be perfectly ok !
INDIA will be happy to award you with a honor of " Greatest Stupid born in INDIA "

Anonymous said...

"1- Arya Kumar Sinha did not read/study/research about : "What is stuttering." This level of ignorance and confidence is not uncommon. Please start reading about stuttering before you start believing in your own truth. The sample you provide about "there is no hardware problem if you can sing without stuttering" is explained as rhythm effect. There are many research findings about the brain images of stuttering adults and stuttering kids that prove the hardware differences. "

no, THIS level of IGNORANCE - that of this poster (#1) - is what's all too common. your example is NOT explained in any way, shape or form. what you have indicated is a CORRELATION. the only thing your example proves is that there ARE hardware differences, and says NOTHING about the origin of those differences.

the brain CHANGES all the time, in response to our lives, actions, thoughts, etc. OF COURSE A STUTTERER IS GOING TO HAVE A DIFFERENT BRAIN just as learning to walk, talk, paint, shoot hoops, etc. leads to brain changes, ie. new neural connections. THIS IS HOW THE BRAIN WORKS. it's just STUPID to conclude that because a stutterer's brain scan looks different from a fluent speaker, the differences in the brain must hold the CAUSE of stuttering.

seems like YOU'RE the one who needs to learn a bit more about science and take a break from your own blatant ignorance.

it amazes how in my 60 years on this earth i've discovered that scientists are some of the most narrow-minded and ignorant people on the entire planet. THAT's why you haven't found a cure - you're too invested in your own BS rather than opening your minds and considering other options. sadly, science has turned into little more than just another religion with a bunch of clowns scurrying around defending their paychecks and pet-theories rather than opening their minds to true open-minded discovery.