I also have a Sponsored Link section. If you are a serious party, you can ask for a sponsored link. For example, if you want to advertise your conference or workshop, your books, or your professional practise. It is worthwhile because I have between 800-1000 unique visitors per week. I only accept non-controversial ones. For example, I already decided not to run Google Ads, which will cost me some money, and I refused a link request by Janus / SpeechEasy.
I am aware that my design is not very cool but at least it is functional. I am on blogger.com and it is difficult to get something better. Maybe I can play around and increase the width of the posts a bit.
Let me know if you have any ideas of improvements. But don't write "change the blogger!" ;-)
Tom the Incorruptible!
It is good for us you left the Three Stooges Talkshow on as well... One can always get a good belly laugh there!
Because of the migration of my blog, it seems the feed you use is not up to date. My RSS feed is now : http://feeds.feedburner.com/ParoleDeBegue
I'll have cut and paste your link. I did not see a difference.
I am crushed - but it's been a busy year and not much time for introspection. Or the required circumspection when writing a blog under the BSA's umbrella :-)
But I thought AT LEAST you might get the spelling of my name right. As a fellow German you are, of course, awre of the rule that "after 'ie', never 'ck'" but that doesn't apply to proper names.....
You bloody German. I am NOT German! I will correct.
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