Sunday, October 12, 2008

If you want to do a post-doc in stuttering

Ludo Max is looking for a post-doc: check here:
The Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control in the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Connecticut (Project P.I.: Ludo Max, Ph.D.) is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position to study various aspects of the neural systems underlying sensorimotor control of speech movements in individuals who stutter. This NIH-funded project involves both psychophysical and neuroimaging (fMRI) experiments, and the selected candidate will have opportunities to contribute to both lines of work. Facilities in the lab include, among other things, electromagnetic motion tracking for speech articulatory movements as well as for upper limb movements, real-time digital signal processors for auditory perturbations of speech and a Phantom 1.0 robot for mechanical perturbations of the jaw, tendon/muscle vibration, EEG/EP systems, and a virtual display environment for arm motor learning studies.

Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in cognitive/behavioral neuroscience, motor control, biomedical engineering, speech and hearing science, experimental psychology, and related fields are encouraged to apply. Good programming skills (Matlab and C++) are preferred. Candidates should be highly motivated and have an interest in publishing research in the area of speech motor control and stuttering.

I am sceptical he will find someone who can code well in Matlab and C, and at the same time knows something about stuttering. On the other hand, if the post-doc does not know anything about stuttering, he or she will be less biased and Ludo has the expertise anyway.


Greg said...

The thing that kills me is that it's a flawed premise. "Neural systems underlying sensorimotor control of speech movements in individuals who stutter" is irrelevant if the neural innervation behind sensorimotor control is flawed. Pretty big gamble to search for clues toward the etiology and management of stuttering so far downstream.

Tom Weidig said...

I completely agree with you. I said this in an earlier post.

I pointed out that it is very difficult to get any clear signal so far downstream.

I guess you are even saying that it is not likely that there is something, and I am saying if there is something it is difficult to detect.

Tom Weidig said...

On the other hand, he is a good researcher. It is just not what I would have done, but different people have different ideas.

Anonymous said...

well I think that is why he is now planning to pair neuroimaging with speech motor studies? He's done some good psychophysical experiments that would lead to sharper hypotheses for neuroimaging research. Personally I am looking forward to hearing more about his work in the future.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Weidig,

You should seriously consider this opportunity...I am sure Ludo would take you :)

Tom Weidig said...

Ludo has accepted a position in Seattle:

"Thanks for that, Tom. I appreciate it. The only thing is that it is no
longer entirely accurate as I have just recently accepted a position at
the University of Washington in Seattle
( -- so starting January 1 2009 my lab
will move from the northeast to the northwest, and thus the post-doc
position will be available in Seattle rather than in Storrs (everything
else remains unchanged)."