Monday, April 28, 2008

Paris Conference open to everyone

I have just spoken to one of the organiser of the conference. He is a PhD student there and helped Chris Kell to organise the conference. He said that everyone is welcome, and that they appreciate as much advertisement as possible.

Here is the poster of the conference: click to get a bigger picture. Looks like they have done a fantastic job at bringing good people together. I have just booked my TGV train ticket. TGV is the fastest train in the world and I have never traveled on it. I will definitely blog from the conference to keep you updated!!


Anonymous said...

Great! Let us know from the conference.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom. I don't see your email address anywhere and the link to see your yahoo ID isn't working, so I'll ask here:

I'd like to ask Adrian (frequent commenter on your blog) about his experience with Bob Bodenhamer. Can you put me in touch with him?

My email address is 'internety' at gmail.

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage - too late for me now.

I suspect, from my experience with APB symposia, that you won't have much time for blogging during the day - or have you noticed any breaks for tea, or for lunch, in the agenda? They are hard task masters...

O said...

Welcome in France...
Olivier : )