Monday, April 21, 2008

Neural Basis of Stuttering Paris Workshop

There is an interesting up-coming conference on the neural basis of stuttering in Paris on May 16th. Such a workshop / conference is long over-due! Many good people are attending. I met up with Ludo Max, Christy Ludlow, and Soo-Eun Chang last October.

I'll try to get more information. Here is what I found on Alexandre's blog:

Thème : The Neural Bases of Stuttering

Programme :
9h30 : Ludo Max (U. Connecticut) Critical sensorimotor mechanisms
10h15 : Soo-Eun Chang (NIH, Bethesda) Childhood stuttering
11h30 : Anne Foundas (U. New Orleans) Anatomy of stuttering
12h15 : Christy Ludlow (NIH, Bethesda) Pathogenesis and pathophysiology
14h00 : Riitta Salmelin (U. Helsinki) Cortical dynamics
14h45 : Kate Watkins (U. Oxford) Sensory-motor integration
16h00 : Henny Bijleveld (U. L. Brussels) Neuroscience and therapy
16h45 : Chris Kell (ENS) From pathology to recovery

Organisé par : Anne-Lise Giraud, Chris Kell, Christophe Pallier, Richard Frackowiak
Sponsorisé par : IFR49 et Association Parole Bégaiement

Lieu : Ecole Normale Supérieure, Salle Dussane 45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris


Anonymous said...

Last I've heard, as it's sponsored by APB, it is open to APB members only.
Still, a very good programme.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it seems do be designed exclusively for APB members. Please let us know if there is a chance for a visit also for non-members.

Tom Weidig said...

I have emailed some people I know but haven't heard back yet. It would be a shame if some were excluded.