Sunday, September 22, 2013

Invitation to Second World Conference on Cluttering in Eindhoven

If you are interested in cluttering, Yvonne van Zaalen is inviting to the second world conference:

You receive this email because of your interest in fluency disorders. In 2014 the second World Conference on Cluttering will be organized by the International Cluttering Association (ICA). Let us all put the intriguing disorder of cluttering and cluttering-stuttering on the map. A good step in doing so is to forward this email to other Speech Language Pathologists that might be interested to learn more about cluttering. If you receive this message more than ones, that means that colleagues around the world are familiar with your interest in fluency disorders, especially cluttering. I hope you will take that as a compliment.

Yvonne van ZaalenChair of the ICA (

1 comment:

Ora said...

Am I the only one who finds that poster a bit offensive?

Cluttering is a serious disorder, which is troublesome and often painful for PWC (people who clutter). This picture attempts a humorous take on cluttering, which seems inappropriate under the circumstances.

It's like making fun of someone in a wheelchair.