Sunday, September 30, 2012

International Stuttering Awareness Day

Check out the on-line conference for the International Stuttering Awareness Day starting tomorrow! An interesting mix of articles from people who stutter sharing their experiences, therapists talking about treatments, and researchers sharing their research and theories. The good thing is that you the reader can leave questions for the author, that cannot really be ignored and a no-answer is obvious to all! And it's a great retro experience of what the web used to feel like 10 years ago... ;-)

The worse thing about the conference are all those (female) students who start their questions with "Thank you very much for the efforts you have put into your article. I am really fascinated by the topics XYZ...." If  we are lucky, they actually ask a real question after those few sentences! So here is my advice: Just ask your damn question, no-one is interested in whether you find something fascinated, don't think about the consequences of your questions, don't be blinded by authority, and make up your own mind!

P.S. I have hacked the website in 10 seconds and you can already access the conference here. ;-)


modern psychotherapy said...

its good to voice out..speak on what's on your mind but be careful on how you speak make sure you can't hurt someone else

Ora said...

Tom - I don't see your name yet in the comments/queries sections. I look forward to seeing some insightful postings from you.

Tom Weidig said...

i just did... ;-)

Anonymous said...

2012 ISAD - What a LoveFest between the professionals! Who give a shi* about the people who stutter? Not the ISAD professors!

Unknown said...

It is good to know that atleast some work is being done on this issue, i am shocked to know that our medical science is still not successful in finding a final medicine and cure for stuttering !!!