Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Presentations from Antwerp

You can find the presentations (including my own) from the Antwerp conference: here.

If you want to give feedback to the organizers, please fill in their feedback form. You can only change the future of conference by making your opinion known.

My recommendations would be:

a. key note speeches not longer than one hour, and half an hour questions and debate if needed initiated by session chair. We need to avoid long monologues.

b. less key note speeches and two panel sessions on a specific question like What does the gene discovery mean? or How should we treat kids?

c. one key note speaker should give a review of the field over the last five years.

d. have at least one young researcher under 40 speaking.

e. restrict video conference to one or two speakers. if they don't bother turning up, leave them out.

f. better food at lunch time.

g. organize a get together on the evening before the conference so participants have the opportunity to liaise and network.


Norbert @ BSA said...

Having been a last-minute attendee I thought the conference organisers handled the problems thrown at them by the volcano with great efficiency and aplomb.

I felt if the purpose of the Conference was to engage students and interest them to pursue a clinical or research career in stammering, then a format which allows for more interaction between students on the one hand and researchers, clinicians and people who stammer on the other hand could be helpful, in addition to the keynote speeches.

Anonymous said...

Great comments, Norbert. Interaction is a great way of learning. Both ways.


Dave Rowley said...

I believe there will be a lot more discussion at the symposium in Cavtat in May (, for those who would like this opportunity.

I think the shellfish will be better, too!

Anonymous said...

Can you advertise the First Ever Cluttering Conference. What is your viewpoint on the disorder of cluttering? How is cluttering related and not related to stuttering?