Friday, November 14, 2008

Obama a stutterer?

Obama is at best a marginal stutterer. He just has a tendency to use fillers when he is under stress or tired. Maybe his brain is slower to give him the words he needs and so he uses fillers. He just has to train himself to slow down a bit, and I think this is what he has done recently. What is your opinion?

(Thanks for Dave for the tip).


O said...

It seees to be a fake video ?

Anonymous said...

His reaction to stress appears to result in locking of the vocal cords, but the question is does Obama think of himself as a stutter? When I'm mad or stressed, I just keep my mouth shut, 'cause I know I'm in full stutter mode.

Anonymous said...

I've watched all the debates, he stutters more on unscripted speech. It's not made up.

Anonymous said...

When Obama has a scripted speech, he is an excellent speaker, he projects his voice well and he speaks at a slower pace.....when he is speaking off the top of his head and has to formulate the words on the spot, he can get problems.

he does not 'stutter' in the true sense of the word in terms of the anxiety and fear of words, its just perhaps when he is tired or stressed it seems worse

ac said...

Anonymous 3, I'm not sure I agree that anxiety and fear are necessary for 'true' stuttering.

Seems to be they are the result, not the cause. Maybe I'm just unusual that in high stress, high anger situations my stuttering all but vanishes.

Anonymous said...

My son's stutter can get worse for "happy" stress e.g. holidays, get togethers, a topic he really enjoys. When he is really (not a little) angry or in "lawyer mode" arguing--very little to no stuttering.

Anonymous said...

There are so many variations of stuttering that its difficult to wrap your mind around it. Foods or medicines that make my stutter worst have no marked affect on other stutterers. I wonder if anybody has tried to categorize the different sub-groups of stuttering? A survey of about 500 stutters and what affects their speech would probably result in some interesting data.

Anonymous said...

Hi! from France, i enjoy coming in your blog, reading both english and stuttering news
I'm a great political speeches watcher on the internet and i think B.O. is a good speaker event if he use fillers, these shown him trustful