Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A revolution is happening.

A revolution is happening. It is the first time in the history of stuttering research that millions are being spent to test and develop a treatment for stuttering. Don't be mistaken. The stakes are dramatically increased. And do not expect some pseudo-science happening with waffling professors from the fiefdoms with no reality checks. The industry does not invest millions lightly, they know that they face reality checks, reality will hit them and they will do anything to get this working. And expect anything to include massive spinning of results in case the positive effects are there but very modest. And expect other pharmaceutical companies to at the very least do intensive brain storming to prevent them from getting a monopoly on a potential new market. We are entering the big bucks area of stuttering treatment.

I hope for the best (an effective treatment to reduce stuttering), but expect the worst (moderate efficacy in some with massive efforts of the companies to still make money but as a side effect a better understanding of stuttering).

Disclaimer to US readers: TheStutteringBrain blog specifically denies any responsibility for the wardrobe malfunction of the revolutionary Marie in the heat of the battle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


BTW...If it doesn't work, I do have this SPEECH EASY device that will definitely work...

Oh, and if that doesn't work, how about some Stuttering Modification therapy...Heard that is really effective.

I almost forgot...if that doesn't work, for sure Fluency Training ERA - SM will...

Damn - If all else fails, I am absolutely certain that the LIDCOMBE Program is a certain cure.

I also have some real estate available you might want to look at as well...PRIME LAND in the desert...