This is just so bad and fits perfectly with what I alluded to in my tirade on media portrail of stuttering: see here.
I am wondering whether she is still using the device. Would be great to have her write a post on this! So if anyone knows her, let her know that I would love to hear from her.
Brutal. This is an excellent example of why the world is mislead about stuttering and the people who have it. It is also a cheap and underhanded ploy by the company to falsly present their device. 90%?? Show me one independent research study with such a result.
This is disgusting. Yes, these devices do work in the shortterm, but have a tendency to stop working once the brain realizes it is being tricked. Someone with the youtube ID StutteringAid is peppering youtube with these displays. I presume it is Speecheasy themselves. The SLP claims the device has a 90% success rate, she should lose her ASHA certification for making such claims. Tom, you should do a youtube response to this garbage.
One a sidenote, she's also showing the typical stutterer's paradox: When the guy asks her to read she blocks on the text but she can explain why it doesn't work, excuse herself, etc. That so reminds me of school ...
- 4000-5000 dollars??
- Why didn't she read the text with the speecheasy in her ear??
- it was indeed one big commercial
- I'd like to see the actual people from thet 90% statistics
- stutterers have phases like the girl's where they can just talk and talk and talk until somebody asks one precise, even easy, question and paff!! - They're blocking again.
There still seeemed to be some blocking and gasps of air while she was talking with the devise in.
The thing I think this clip highlights is how important the psychological element of stuttering therapy is and how she seems to not have had input in this area.
I can relate to the girl on film. I have used the device for approx 2 years and have had fairly good results. It is still not perfect by a long ways. Using this in conjunction with therapy from the past makes life much easier for me. Mine did not cost me anything - I received it thru the state of rehabilitation.
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