You can group sub-types according to different criteria:
- symptoms (overt, severe, many secondary effects, etc)
- recovered as child (did the person recover as a child or not)
- causes (due to a malfunctioning in the brain processes of speech)
- origin (due to "bad" genetics or neurological incident like infection or accident)
- origin (family history yes or no)
- reaction to treatment
- and more ideas?
Sub-types can be grouped strictly like family history (yes or nor), but others are continuous variables like severity of stuttering. Are there really strict sub-types or are they all just continuous variables?
The number of causal sub-types is the number of intermediate steps to produce continuous speech, because that is the number of times something can go wrong.
1 comment:
Regarding your question "and more ideas?"
From a dynamic caused theory point of view is stuttering a chronic fear conflict.
Is one of the sub-types "not able to handle fear conflicts"?
(In my point of view is this another sub-type then "reaction to treatment (by a therapist)")
Because I'm not a scientist I mentioned the book of Dr. J. Kohlbrunner and his book Psychodynamik des Stotterns.
"Eine dynamische Definition des Stotterns
Stottern ist das Symptom eines unbewussten chronischen Angst-Konflikts zwischen widersprichlichen Bedürfnissen. Die Ursache dieses Konflikts ist eine frühe Verwicklung in verwirrende Verhaltensweisen der Eltern, die aus verdrängten Krännkungen in der eigenen Kindheit eine übersteigerte Verletzlichkeit entwickelt haben. Zur Aufrechterhaltung ihrer Verdrängungen haben sie eines ihrer Kinder mit Projektionen belegt (das Kind in wichtigen Aspekten nicht so sehen können, wie es ist) sowie aufrüttelnden Gefühlsausdruck des Kindes zu oft entwertet (überhört, beschwichtigt, verboten)."
I've translated this into:
A dynamic definition of the Stuttering
Stuttering is the symptom of an unconscious chronic fear conflict between contradiction needs. The cause of this conflict is an early entangling into confusing behaviors of parents, who developed an excessive damaged from displaced injuires in the own childhood. For the maintenance of their displacements they occupied one of their children with projections (the child in important aspects to see not in such a way to be able, how it is) as well as up-shaking feeling expression of the child too often cancelled (over-heard, appeased, forbade).
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