Monday, March 06, 2006


I am busy...

So here some challenge for you.

You can ask God five questions about PDS, and he will answer them. What would they be?


Einar said...

Supposing there is a God,lol, ok that's not the point ;-), mine would be:
2)why me??
3)what causes it?
4)what's the cure?
5)w-w-w.. www.. duh... (I'd be so excited about speaking to God that I wouldn't be able to get the last question out ;-))

John MacIntyre said...

"5)w-w-w.. www.. duh... (I'd be so excited about speaking to God that I wouldn't be able to get the last question out ;-)) "

LMAO ... me too but it would've been on the first question.

Then after the 15 minutes, I'd say ... "ah.. forget it .. it wasn't that important anyway." Which would come out fine.

Then god would say .. "how come you said that ok?"

Then I'd stutter ..

... then he'd get confused, and accuse me of faking my stutter. And it's straight to hell for me. ;-)