Monday, August 10, 2015

Suvery on Multilingualism: Need input from SLTs

Graduate student Kimberly Martins writes:
As a Speech-Language Pathologist, you are invited to participate in an online survey research project collecting information on clinical practice in the evaluation and treatment of multilingual people who stutter around the world. This is an opportunity for you to contribute your professional experience working with this important population within the past two years. Completing the survey should take about 15 minutes. The survey is anonymous. You do not need to complete this survey in one sitting. If you need to, you can stop working on the survey, even close your browser and turn off your computer. Then return to the survey at a convenient time by clicking on the Survey Name below in this invitation to resume where you left off and complete it when you have the time. I appreciate your willingness to participate. Feel free to share this invitation with colleagues. 

Click here: Stuttering and Multilingualism Survey

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