Saturday, December 03, 2011

Sanne Hans: A true role model...

Another video from Sanne Hans (Miss Montreal) with a good song Addicted to Crying. She is a real role model for people who stutter and for the public. And not one of those Joe Bidens or Emily Blunts that I and no-one else has ever heard stuttering publicly but I have to endure their story on how they overcome their stuttering by doing XYZ...


  1. How does this fit with your past post where you say it isn't healthy for society to accept stuttering.

  2. Good question! Are you digging into my past? ;-)

    I didn't say that it is not healthy for society to accept stuttering. It is unhealthy to say that stuttering in not a handicap, abnormal or dysfunctional when it clearly is to the person who stutters.

    She certainly does feel a dysfunction and a handicap. And she would be very happy to switch to a fluent brain at some costs to herself.

    However, it is also true that he way of dealing with stuttering is reducing her stuttering to the basic dysfluent speech. She does not suffer from a psychosocial maladaptation.

    Yes, society should be more welcoming to people with dysfunctions, but to say that it is not a dysfunction is trying to say "that the naked king is not naked".
