Monday, March 31, 2008

Going to Oxford Dysfluency Conference

After some long thoughts, I have decided to go to the Oxford Dysfluency Conference. There are several people coming that I want to talk to, for example: Per Alm (he works on neuroscience and theory), Jerry Maguire (I think, he led the Pagaclone Phase II trial), Kate Watkins ( I would guess as she is from Oxford, experimental brain imaging work) and other good people. By the way, Michael Palin is coming to the conference. So I feel like I cannot afford not to be there. I didn't enter any talk proposal, but I sure will ask questions to the poor presenters! And maybe I get invited to a panel discussion...
I am also stingy about the costs involved: 500 pounds. I am not saying it is not a good deal for the services offered, and I am sure Dave has done his best to keep the price down. But still combined with the travel, it is as expensive as a one-week holiday if not more. Though I have to mention that for the last ODC conferences, the British Stammering Association paid the full or half of the conference fees, for which I am very grateful. They usually have a few grants for the conference, and might have it this year, too. And I have also started trading with the organisers of recent conferences for a reduced fee in return for full coverage on "the by far most read stuttering blog on the Internet". As you can see I have started to use you as a bargaining tool! :-)


  1. Hi Tom. Glad you're coming to the conference. I'm sure you'll ask lots of questions, as usual! I do try to keep the costs down, but it's really difficult. We get charged a lot by St. Catz and sponsorship is really difficult to get. But the price is less than six years ago!
